Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

Opiria & PDATA - Data Services


Group of Opiria

Opiria is being developed by a relatively large group, with two managers, nine developers and seven mentors. While biographical information is only provided about managers, they pride themselves on impressive educational information and technical expertise. The company is based in Ingolstadt, Germany.
Opiria has been a thriving company; It is just the addition of its new internal electronic money. The company was founded in 2015, with its current platform launched a year later, and since then, it has attracted businesses from Audi, General Motors, Intel and Volkswagen. While the company looks healthy, its growth plan seems unrealistic: its roadmap says it expects to attract 50 million customers by 2021 and 250 million by 2023, but not to mention how they intend to do this.


More information: https://opiria.io/#team
Technology of Opiria
Opiria has developed applications for iOS and Android, as well as a web portal. Users can conduct surveys and make money almost anytime, anywhere. They declare that the entire ecosystem incorporating the PDATA Code will be launched in the first quarter of 2019. Opiria claims that its service will help both consumers and businesses. Many underground consumers accept the collection and sale of their browsing data as a condition of using many online services.
Opiria allows them to at least be paid directly to this information, and completely protects their privacy because all data is written to an anonymous blockchain. Users can choose to give Opiria huge amounts of data - including information from wearable devices, eye tracking, their location, and their financial and health details - but they Take complete control of what they share or keep private.
Businesses who rely on this data for both marketing and product development should also appreciate the data they acquire through Opiria, as it is more consistent and honest than through its monitoring. company.


ICATA's PDO is scheduled to begin on March 26, 2018. The pre-sale process began on November 1, 2017 and will continue until the ICO's publicity begins; Buyers participating in pre-sale discounts receive a substantial discount, but are only available at the invitation. The Opirian website does not mention the number of cards that will be offered in total, but it says that any cards not purchased in the ICO will be burned.
The company also did not mention publicly available tokens, but said it would regularly return cards to continue paying users for their participation. The company explained that they would use revenue from the ICO to sponsor a marketing campaign to recruit new users, thereby boosting the value of the token by creating demand for it.


auhtor:Putri Hanum


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