Kamis, 21 Juni 2018

MedChain - Take Control of Your Health Record

All our quastion will, will blockchain take over the world's industry and if, will Healthcare be better with blockchain?

let me show you the following project, which I think this can really be a gamechanger

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Why MedChain?

Today many healthcare companies do not include the US market for several reasons,
largely to avoid SEC scrutiny, but also because HIPAA compliance can be difficult to understand and adhere to for those who do not know.

Our founders have extensive experience in health, especially IT health, and as entrepreneurs.
You can see their Linkedin page for more of their history, but briefly;
Our founders are also founders and CEOs of Zynex Medical (Ticker: ZYXI), a publicly traded Medical Device company.

Allocation of Token
The Medchain MedCoin Token will have an initial supply supply of 100,000,000 (100 Million) Tokens with total supply can be removed from 1000000000 (1 Billion) through the POST / PoA / PoR consensus algorithm.

During initial distribution, disbursements to investors are expected to reach 60%. The total amount of supply may be issued will eventually represent 90% + community ownership of the MedCoin Token.

Security token

The MedCoin SEC-submitted security token that tracks the financial health and well-being of the MedChain Network. MedCoin is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 network (or similar) sign with an initial distribution supply of 100,000,000 and a total mintable supply of 1,000,000,000. The fixed supply and asymptotic minting levels of the pool sign remain on the driving force behind MedChain's infrastructure and the important factors for MedCoin's long-term economy. See Initial Coin Offer (ICO) specifications on our website for more details. MedChain is currently investigating the feasibility of offering token tokens as a reward system for HIPAA, GDPR and global compliant storage space providers rather than using the fiat currency as described in the above section. The evolving SEC rules and interpretations will determine if securities can be used as a payment mechanism.

Utility Token
All storage and retrieval requests, and other internal uses in the system, will use a utility token, never MedCoins. Currently, there is one utility token called Record Token for SMRC.

Record Token
The MedChain utility sign for SMRC is Record Token. Record Tokens are bound with real fiat values ​​to eliminate the need for service providers to worry about the conversion rate or volatility of a traded cryptocurrency or sign. The initial value for the Token is scheduled to be $ 0.001 US through MedChain. Record Token allows the Service Provider to store 1 MB

Data for one month. This level will change as Storage Market changes through changes in storage prices and infrastructure costs. Storage Market Design, however, has been carefully architected so as to reflect the actual storage costs (aka real-cost) available from storage Nodes

Mission Medchain
MedChain's mission is to use blockchain technology to build a better, safer and transparent framework for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) that greatly improves the quality of caring for patients while reducing the cost of healthcare providers. It allows companies and individuals to build software and applications within the framework of facilitating global secure compliant storage and transparency.

The purpose of Medchain
MedChain's goal is to secure patient data, improve patient outcomes, reduce costs and put control back into the hands of patients - both literally and figuratively. MedChain solutions benefit providers from the smallest private practice, to all laboratories supplying test results or durable equipment, to the nation's largest hospital system by improving interoperability between each of the EMR systems involved. Cost savings will be realized across the industry by streamlining data flow and user experience, reducing IT Overhead, and ensuring accurate and correct data for each patient.

How it works
The MedChain Network will be launched in several phases. The first stage will establish a "General data layer" that all existing and future software providers can plug into, and that all future phases will build upon. That general data layer is called Safe Record Medical Chain (SMRC). the next phase will release a complementary blockchain network that builds features and capabilities above SMRC. Two distributed applications (dApps) will also be distributed during Phase I. They are DAPP patients and DAPP Service Providers. DAPP patients will be available free of charge to patients across the nation and the world. With this DAPP, Patients can view their medical files, see who has used them, and provide their service providers access to some or all of these files. In the future phase, patients will be able to schedule doctor visits, manage insurance bills, and look at alternative options to improve their well-being.

DAPP Service Providers will be the user interface for service providers to add files to EMR patients, as well as application programming interfaces (APIs) to existing software providers to interface directly with SMRC to help EMR Data store customers. This DAPP will provide provider access to all medical results ever produced for patients (no matter who orders the Procedure) and keep track of their order has been specially determined. In Phase II, the Service Provider of DAPP will also have access to a wealth of data that can be inferred from other types of patients across the nation / world by using data analysis, machine learning, AI, and automation diagnoses.

Once one dApps receives a new file to add a patient record, the node on the blockchain will safely handle all encryption, data transfer, utility tokens, storage, invoice storage, pricing, compliance, re-assembly and delivery. As regulation changes and gets updated, MedChain's blockchain will also evolve to ensure that data is always stored and transferred in the right way and in accordance with legal provisions.

Each subsequent phase of the MedChain deployment will add features and capabilities. In Phase II, Safe Medical Discovery Chain (SMDC) will only accept an anonymous ESDM and run an analysis of millions of records. This is currently not possible because patient data is locked in some proprietary systems. The MedChain common data layer realizes the true potential of machine learning and telemedicine that is hindered by today's limited data sets.

Medchain system components Consist of:

The MedChain solution works by using multiple layers of data over this MedChain blockchain protocol. This system uses two different types of tokens. An external token, MedCoin, will serve as a traded 'Security Token'. Tokens Record internal token, has a function of adding hashes to blockchain, which serves as a distributed patient record map. Each record can include plain text, object databases, scanned documents, images, etc. relating to a particular patient. To disincentivize potential hackers and thieves, Record Tokens will be associated with unique identifiers and can not be traded for any person or other account. This will also help ensure that Information is added to the correct account and avoids the risk of false transactions. Adding additional information to an existing account is possible taking into account the unique / patient identifier hash bounded repository account.
For the purpose of adoptability,

The internal token and function thereof will be available for purchase, via MedChain directly or through an automated process within the software provider. The internal token to be associated with the real fiat value,is currently projected at $ 0.001US, to eliminate the need to worry about the conversion rate or volatility of a tradable or sign cryptocurrency. This creates an external token to earn or lose value on its own merit while it will be tradable to Record internal Token at the conversion rate when USD. Storage Markets will be coded to maintain a realistic market-value of storage costs so that service providers do not price from storing data on MedChain instead of locally. Read the stored data rates for only one Record Token fee (ie $ 0001US) so there is no reason to worry about the cost when requesting EMRs to save patient lives.


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