Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

Accounting for utility bills is simplified using Treon Blockchain


Treon (TXO) is a "utility token" based on the Ethereum block chain that will reliably and smoothly help consumers pay for utilities such as telecommunications, electricity, water, natural gas through a mobile wallet and the application they are connected to signed through a consolidated monitoring panel that will allow the use of a new utility payment system over Blockchain. An ecosystem that exceeds $ 2 trillion a year for one household consumption.

Very pleasant and saves time, using this technology block to pay all kinds of your utility bills.
Treon-TXO badges will help to eliminate a lot of problems that currently exist, especially for those who want to pay payments in the country or border crossings.

An application designed for all types of platforms, application and wallet Treon Dashboard: application for smartphones that reliably and smoothly manages your TXO tokens and other supported file and cryptic currencies. The beta version of the application supports TXO, BTC, ETH and USD.

This application simplifies the transaction


Reward reward for all customers

Treon returns rewards to customers from using TXO tokens to make adoption and use more attractive. In addition, such savings will become a catalyst for utility companies in order to translate their inter-contract contracts into the blockade, in order to manage their business operations cost-effectively.

Why Treon

Treon is a reliable, modular, Etchhemum-based, block-based, decentralized payment gateway for utilities and a purse handler that any consumer can use from around the world to pay their utility bills. Treon seeks to become a tool and a symbol of choice in a completely decentralized and inexpensive manner.

All members of the team are cryptic and high-tech entrepreneurs, and few of us have made several successful technologies. Meet each member at the end of the document. Here are the majority of companies that we individually helped to run, grow and work.


Distribution of tokens




for more information:

Author: Putri Hanum

ETH: 0x4a4cc6AEBC7757D4A698024a39ACf81E131BF0a0

1 Komentar:

Pada 20 Juli 2018 pukul 06.10 , Blogger Sara Technologies mengatakan...

Blockchain is the next generation technology that has been started overcoming the manual accounting practices. As per the predictions, in the year 2019, nearly all the accounting and auditing services will be done by the blockchain. HCLLP is a CPA with the technical expertise in blockchain, we helps the industries in establishing their blockchain accounting system and helps in verifying and monitoring all the transactions over blockchain.


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