Senin, 11 Maret 2019



Do we think about what price do we sometimes find these or other benefits to humanity? Are they mining in an environmentally friendly, if they are beneficial or harmful to our body? Until now, I have never asked myself a similar question, but the time has come and this question has remained in my mind.

It seems that every year humanity spends a huge amount of resources on heating its housing, office or storage rooms during the winter season of the year. For this, as a rule, various types of heaters, radiators, diesel or diesel heaters have been used. In fact, there are a great many of these devices, but when asked if they are environmentally friendly, you will not always find a positive response.


In fact, any local heating subject is one of the most acute in our society. Because traditional heat source:
spend too much resources;
The heating system itself is expensive, both during installation and during its further operation;
price / quality does not match;

Everything else is not always beneficial to our health.
I think many of us who live in the course of the equator, at least once in the winter time pay utility bills for home heating and the cost of service often cause an unpleasant trauma. As a rule, this amount is quite impressive and unfortunately only grows in the year to come. At the same time, heating homes that provide us with this heat often do not meet the environmental standards, and when consuming a particular type of fuel, emits a huge amount of harmful substances in the atmosphere. Which in turn adversely affects our environment with you. Thus, the cycle of actions affecting all of us form.

A very ambitious company, which understands the gravity of what's happening, tries to break this vicious circle, so it is ready to show us its new, universal, environmentally friendly heating system.

About the project
The company, the product in which we consider today, is called - Saiterm. The systems that are developed are called Spring.

This system represents a revolutionary innovative approach to heating all types of premises, both residential and office, and warehouses, commercial premises. The main spring system is its effectiveness, friendship, environment and ultimate security, both for people and for the surrounding nature.

History of Spring Creation
The idea of ​​creating this system was the nature itself, which is for us the best example and teacher. After many studies, scientists have concluded that for us the most comfortable form of heating is the infrared rays of the sun. At the same time, they are natural for us and do not bring any harm to people's health or the environment.

Following this discovery, Saiterm engineer started creating the Spring patent system.

Project features
The spring system itself is a simple and decomposed form that will easily fit into any design conceptual design, whether it's residential or commercial premises. All that it needs is access to electricity, it will do the rest itself, but under your strict guidance.

That is, Spring will have a remote control system that will do all of your actions, using a smartphone or tablet, no matter where you are. This approach will allow not only to control the amount of energy consumed, but also save over extra hours that you do not use, being outside your home or office. At the same time, Spring panels can be installed both on the wall and on the ceiling, making them even more convenient and ideal for any kind of interior.

It is important to note that the spring system was originally designed to bring comfort and well-being into our lives. Therefore, it has many advantages, and for sure, let's consider some of them:
First, as I said earlier, the innovative Spring panels are the best in terms of cost / quality ratio. Because they are simple and easy to install and do not require any additional materials and the tool to manage them. At the same time, Spring has no preferential or tax costs, and does not require more maintenance and periodic certification;
Secondly, the heat produced does not waste, but slowly absorbed into all surrounding objects, while guaranteeing a uniform, comfortable and beautiful sensation of heat;
Third, the Spring Rays do not warm the air itself, allowing you to breathe in the room conveniently and naturally, and also eliminates the more use of moisture air, because there is no need for them. On the contrary, uniform heating of the home surface, or any other room allows you to eliminate the common problems as excess moisture and mold;
Fourth, due to lack of convection, which are inherent in our traditional control system, Spring is able to solve such a problem as uneven heating in the space and the person it;
Among other things, because of its radiative system, Spring is able to alleviate rheumatism pain, and also has a beneficial effect on micro-circulating processes in the human body and its digestion.

So we once again convinced of the effectiveness of using Spring panels and their obvious advantages over traditional heating systems.

Details of ICO
For further development and financing of its projects, Saiterm launches the sale of its own tokens - SAIEX . With the help of ICO, the founding team intends to collect all the tools needed to launch the first batch of Spring system, as well as its more distributions. In this case, with the help of tokens, you can also find the Spring panel itself , which makes the process buy even more convenient, transparent and secure.

Total for the development of the project will provide 100 million coins, 50% of them will be allocated for the ICO. The rest of the tokens are evenly distributed between the team of specialists, and most of them are intended for the further development of the system, scientific research and other research. Staying 2% is intended for the Bounty Program and its participants.
Distribution of tokens is more clearly seen in the scheme:

Road map

Proceeding from above, I would like to add that I would like to start using these systems in my home since I perfectly understand the whole situation and the disadvantages of traditional heating systems. And my great regret, their value increased from year to year. Therefore, with the advent of the Spring system, I will finally be able to reduce my main spending in the winter time period. And considering the situation with heating in other countries, I dare suggest that the idea of ​​Spring will also be very important for them.
If you are interested in this project as well as me, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with its details in more detail. For this purpose, I have prepared a number of resources to find all the information you are interested in.

Saiterm Project Project Saiterm:

USERNAME:  Putri Hanum

ETH Adress: 0x4a4cc6AEBC7757D4A698024a39ACf81E131BF0a0

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