La vita di Koala accresce la crescita con Blockchain
Costruire in crescita con la migliore carry livello di qualità ad aumentare la sua in un grande potenziale nel presente e nel futuro, attraverso un'innovazione invosi vengono continuamente sviluppate e la qualità costruttiva nella crescita della comunità che sta migliorando e collegare la connettività bene nel presente e nel futuro, controllando il grado di decentramento che sotto controllo, che è in grado di mantenere la qualità della crescita dei dati e la circolazione all'interno dell'ecosistema ben strutturato, in grado di fornire una buona crescita ed essere in grado di avere un livello di vita che è sempre meglio nel presente e nel futuro, che unisce una gamma di qualità di varie persone che hanno la qualità delle migliori abilità che è in grado di fornire qualità a mantenere il livello di decentramento che è sempre meglio nel presente e nel futuro, insieme Koala Li fe mantenere la crescita della qualità della vita per i più e meglio lo sviluppo della qualità della vita è sempre meglio, mantenere la stabilità nella costruzione, così come nella vita di koala sta migliorando, con il miglior livello di servizi.
La vita di Koala attraverso la migliore tecnologia nella costruzione di una vita così come il livello di decentramento che è costruito sempre meglio, quindi era in grado di costruire un livello di connettività tra i vari gruppi all'interno della piattaforma, che è in grado di sviluppare e risolvere i vari problemi nel costruire i livelli circolanti di piattaforma sono più svegli a lungo blockchain tecnologia porta al livello nella stabilità della piattaforma sta migliorando, e per affrontare il problema nella rete in una piattaforma che è più strutturato, così come la stabilità nella fornitura di servizi è sempre meglio nel presente e nel futuro, con il miglioramento dei servizi continuano ad essere migliorato e continua a portare i livelli di prestazioni grandi che sicuramente questo sarà portato al livello della domanda che sta migliorando nel presente e nel futuro attraverso una varietà di innovazioni, così come un grande servizi di sviluppo sono sicuramente di più e portano conforto un cliente sta migliorando nel presente e in futuro per realizzare la qualità della vita è sempre meglio così che ha un grande potenziale per il futuro.
Diverse caratteristiche ddialam del Koala Vita che è in grado di controllare il pozzo che si trova nella costruzione di reti che sempre più decentrata bene, poi la riconnessione sull'interazione di diverse persone in tutto il mondo, e di essere in grado di mantenere in circolazione all'interno dell'ecosistema della crescita sta migliorando, quindi tingkaat è la sicurezza all'interno della piattaforma che è ben consolidata, e in grado di garantire la migliore qualità della vita insieme la vita di Koala e sarà in grado di fornire un livello di comfort per il cliente o il cliente nel presente e nel futuro, con il team building e di sviluppo che ha una buona esperienza nel suo campo sempre portare in vita la qualità del Koala è sempre meglio e di contribuire la loro patnership porterà ulteriormente il livello piattaforme stanno migliorando reputazione nel presente e nel futuro.
Let's see what he has done and our next plan Kimex.
Let's see what he has done and our next plan Kimex. From
January 2018 to February 2018, is officially established by a team of 12 professionals including Coders, designers, lawyers, CFOs who have accumulated more than 15 years of experience on the global Forex and OTC markets.
On 2 September 2018 at 7:00 UTC time, will launch a presale to distribute 20 million KMX (all of which are unsold will be kept by the company for fundaraising in the future, at least 1 year after the ICO is finished).
The price of a token for pre-sale is $ 0.1 (minimum purchase amount is 0, 01ETH), bonus 30%, and 10% of reference. On September 17 2018 at 7:00 UTC time, will launch a pre-ICO to distribute 30 million KMX. Price of tokens for pre-ico $ 0.1 (minimum purchase of 0.01 ETH), bonus of 20%, and 10%.
On 3 October 2018 at 7:00 UTC time, will launch the ICO to distribute 120 million KMX. Token price for ico $ 0.1 (minimum purchase of 0.01 ETH), 10% bonus, and 10% referral.
In October 2018, will launch a decentralized Binary Options Platform by Blockchain.
In March 2019, it's time for the internal exchange market. In August 2019 Kimex Wallet will be launched.
In December 2019, officially launched the mobile application. In July 2019, Kimex will officially open a new office in the US.
Учитывая, что с момента внедрения технологии blockchain, и поскольку было доказано так много людей, что в сети есть функции, которые могут решить неизбежные проблемы, которые существуют, многие компании и отрасли, будь то новые или существующие, теперь предпочитают строить их платформы в сети. Но даже несмотря на то, что узкие места не были полностью искоренены из сети, поскольку у нас все еще есть проблемы, такие как блокирующие сети, слишком медленные для микроплатежей, и большинство криптовалютных вычислений в большинстве случаев трудно понять и использовать, что препятствует тому, что сеть действительно нужна , Это те проблемы, которые требуют немедленного внимания в настоящее время, когда платформа ALFA-ENZO прибыла с ее решениями.
Сетевая платформа ALFA-ENZO представляет собой новый проект на основе блокчин в номинальном значении полюса для разработки того, что предлагается в качестве первого криптовалюта массового рынка. Платформа направлена на установление того, что посредством предоставления стандартной непревзойденной экосистемы распределенной торговли, которая решит проблемы, которые существуют. Платформа проекта поставляется с решением, специально разработанным для обеспечения скорости и масштабируемости, необходимых для основного использования. Благодаря таким свойствам, как быстрота и интуиция для всех пользователей на платформе.
Официальным тикером для токена платформы является NZO, который является маркером на основе ERC-20 и будет использоваться для всех транзакций в сети. Предполагается, что продажа токенов состоится в течение 365 дней с 4 июля 2018 года по 2019 год той же даты.
Базирующаяся на Freelancer база для Payperblock включает в себя экспертов по блочной цепочке, которые являются квалифицированными и активными в разных областях бизнеса и в различных отраслях, таких как разработчики контрактов, разработчик программного обеспечения, разработчики веб-сайтов, художники-3D-макеты, писатели, сотрудники цифрового маркетинга и удаленные помощники. Бизнес начнется с Финляндии, а позже расширится до других стран, так как бизнес-модель позволит выйти на мировой рынок бизнеса.
Штаб-квартира компании расположена в Оулу, Финляндия, поскольку город богат возможностями и ресурсами для технологической отрасли.
Freelancing является одной из самых быстрорастущих отраслей в мире, и отрасль уже стоит более 1,5 триллиона долларов дохода в год. Более 77 миллионов человек в глобальном масштабе определяют свою основную работу как внештатную работу.
Несмотря на то, что подавляющее большинство фрилансинговых работ происходит на цифровых платформах для фрилансеров, базовая структура и модель обслуживания платформ фриланса остались в основном одинаковыми.
Практически все традиционные сети фрилансеров страдают от присущей проблеме базовой модели модели фриланса, что также сказывается на общей производительности платформы. Некоторые из наиболее заметных и неотъемлемых проблем с обычной моделью платформ фрилансеров включают следующее:
В организации существует централизованная власть, которая вызывает беспокойство у фрилансеров относительно справедливого разрешения споров и оправданных изменений политики.
Проблема несправедливых негативных отзывов, оставленных клиентами или внештатными сотрудниками по таким причинам, как личная предвзятость или разочарование.
Плата за использование услуги платформы может быть очень высокой во многих случаях, включая затраты, связанные с созданием контракта, принятием контракта, долей полученного платежа, обмен валюты и сбор за снятие средств.
В этом техническом документе представлена бизнес-модель и цели платформы фриланса PAYPERBLOCK, новой революционной платформы для фрилансеров, которая прощается с проблемами фрилансеров и клиентов, сталкиваясь с традиционными фрилансерными платформами.
Payperblock работает на тех же принципах функциональности, что и популярный криптовалютный Ethereum. Вместо того, чтобы полагаться на централизованную систему полномочий, Payperblock использует распределенную сеть держателей токенов (инвесторов ICO) в компании
Распределенная модель также используется для хранения транзакций в сети фрилансеров и проверки каждой транзакции. Потенциал роста платформы Payperblock огромен, поскольку он устраняет потенциал предвзятости в системе разрешения споров, обеспечивает большую справедливость и прозрачность и предлагает значительно сниженные комиссионные.
Payperblock adalah platform operasi global untuk freelancer. Pada platform ada spesialis pada rantai blok, dan diagram blok PayB bekerja pada ekosistem. Tim di Payperblock berharap untuk menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk menghubungkan bakat yang tepat dengan pekerjaan yang tepat sehingga setiap proyek blockchain potensial dapat berhasil. Tujuan dari platform ini adalah untuk menawarkan ekosistem yang transparan dan adil, yang biayanya paling rendah di industri.
Pengguna platform perlu membuat akun, mengirim pekerjaan, dan kemudian menyewa freelancer untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Freelancer di platform termasuk pengembang kontrak, pengembang situs web, pengembang perangkat lunak, penulis, seniman-3D mock-up, asisten jarak jauh dan karyawan pemasaran digital. Bisnis akan dimulai dari Finlandia, di mana saat ini berbasis, dan kemudian diperluas di negara lain. Fitur PayPerBlock.
Platform ini memiliki fungsi-fungsi berikut:
Tugas rendah
Biaya yang dibayarkan semua pelanggan di platform Payperblock adalah 1% dari komisi jika mereka melakukan pembayaran menggunakan PAYB dan 2% ketika pembayaran dilakukan menggunakan bitcoyne.
Alur kerja transparan
Platform ini berharap untuk memperkenalkan transparansi di industri freelancer. Tindakan selanjutnya dilakukan secara real time, yang memastikan transparansi dan penyelesaian sengketa yang cepat.
Pengambilan keputusan di tingkat komunitas
Klien dan freelancer dapat mengakses proses penyelesaian sengketa terdistribusi. Komunitas mengambil keputusan yang adil dan demokratis.
Tubuh terdesentralisasi
Otoritas pusat tidak mengambil keputusan tentang aturan dan kebijakan perusahaan, tetapi semua keputusan diambil dengan memilih di antara semua pemilik token, yang terdiri dari sekelompok orang yang besar dan beragam.
Pembayaran terjamin
Platform ini membutuhkan proses yang energik sehingga pelanggan di platform selalu menerima pembayaran mereka. Untuk setiap pembayaran, jumlah yang disepakati dibekukan di akun Ethereum klien dan diberikan kepada pekerja lepas setelah proyek selesai. Dalam hal terjadi perselisihan, berbagai pemegang token yang memberikan keputusan yang adil dan adil menyelesaikan ini.
Proses Penyelesaian Sengketa
Platform akan muncul dengan proses yang membatasi munculnya perselisihan. Sistem manajemen yang handal akan dibuat, dan kedua belah pihak akan dapat menggunakan sistem untuk memantau alur kerja berkelanjutan, yang akan mengarah pada proyek yang sukses.
PayPerBlock Token ICO.
Penanda PAYB adalah token utilitas yang akan digunakan pada platform Payperblock. Token adalah koin ERC20 berdasarkan jaringan Ethereum. Distribusi dan pengiriman token dilakukan dengan menggunakan kontrak PayB yang bekerja pada jaringan Ethereum.
10 miliar token akan disediakan, dan 45% token ini akan dikeluarkan selama ICO dan penjualan sebelum ICO. ICO awal akan dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2018, sementara ICO akan dilakukan pada bulan September 2018. Platform ini memiliki program rujukan di mana afiliasi dan investor menerima 5% token PAYB untuk setiap pembelian ICO.
GSC Aviation is a platform that is global and decentralized, it is used to manage cumulative points and loyalty programs. Having analyzed a large number of loyalty programs of different points, the Developer did not find a good application. This leads to direct damage to the user, as well as to the fact that loyalty programs are not successfully implemented and the responsibility to the company increases.
GSC Aviation offers a solution to this problem using locking technology. Due to the low commission for transactions and high security level GSC Aviation converts the account into a GSC Aviation (GSC) token and provides the loyalty program to the user.
Let's look at how the project represents value for such a system and how this project differs from the project block platform, similar to the integration of scores. All GSC Aviation users can exchange points or miles that they received from the affiliate program, to GSC Aviation tokens or vice versa, to exchange their tokens for points in the affiliate program. The user can use the GSC Aviation token to purchase items in the affiliate program. Affiliate programs will benefit from more opportunities provided by marketing, promotion and shopping.
GSC Aviation is a platform that uses blocks to solve problems related to direct damage to the user, and a loyalty program that is implemented by poor and increased liabilities to the company as a result of using too many loyalty programs. GSC Aviation integrates points into GSC Aviation token (GSC) and provides the loyalty program to the user. For the most inexpensive with maximum security. In addition to the reliability and low transaction cost, GSC Aviation using block chain technology to eliminate the intermediary, providing users and partners with a result that makes more sense.
The GSC Aviation user can easily integrate and manage GSC Aviation tokens and point them to every company around the world in the GSC Aviation purse. Users can also easily exchange their points for GSC Aviation tokens or GSC Aviation token for partner points. In addition, the purse GSC Aviation includes an advertising channel that provides advertising partners or coupons to users or partners in real time. This allows the GSC Aviation partnership to attract more customers and promote more loyalty programs. In addition, in the GSC Aviation store, users can purchase goods or services from a partnership.
Every company that we meet starts a loyalty program using points. The market for these goods costs more than billions and grows by 6% per year. However, this means that there is a lot of type of different accounts, because there is a lot of business around the world. In desperation, the client is difficult to manage and use his glasses. Even for business, the points unused lead to loyalty programs lower than expected, and adversely affect their debt. GSC Aviation is a solution for decentralization based on a lock, which solves the problem of the loyalty program at this time with the use of glasses. The main characteristics of GSC Aviation including GSC Aviation wallet, GSC Aviation exchange, promotion to feed and store GSC Aviation.
The GSC Aviation project is a block decentralization solution that solves the problem of a loyalty program that uses points. The main characteristics of GSC Aviation purse are GSC Aviation Wallet, exchange of GSC Aviation exchange, feed promotion, and GSC Aviation store.
Token GSC Aviation is designed as a token that is compatible with ERC20 on the Ethereum platform and takes advantage of the lockout technology. Target Audience GSC Aviation-Airlines, a travel agency that is the market leader, as well as online stores around the world. With such advantages, GSC Aviation, based on an advanced, safe and efficient locking technology, will own a billion dollars in the global market.
What problems does the project solve?
Below are the identified problems. Increase in the company's liabilities: points that are not used are recorded as liabilities. Due to the fact that customer points are becoming less and less in demand, the company's liabilities are becoming more significant and have a negative impact on their financial assessments. Low performance loyalty program: this is due to the low use of scores, the company can not achieve the performance of the loyalty program, as expected. Low productivity, how to put social costs for the client and business
Complexity of control points: on average 29 programs are registered, different, so it is difficult to control points and leads to the fact that the glasses expire. The profit will be provided by this platform. Both users and enterprises can use the platform chair. Users can exchange their points for GSC Aviation Tokens (GSC) or use their points at Shop Point. Users get access to promotion through advertising channels for access to advertising from interested companies.
GSC Aviation Wallet allows you to simultaneously manage and integrate several partners at once. The company has access to more customers, which allows them to quickly sell their products at the pointer. GSC Aviation exchange models help companies to effectively reduce their liabilities. Partners can encourage greater loyalty to potential customers using GSC Aviation's filing and storage assignments.
FanEspo adalah situs web, memberikan kesempatan yang baik untuk menikmati pelajaran kreatif untuk game yang akan diangkat. Layanan ini memberi orang kesempatan untuk bermain banyak waktu dan waktu dengan atlet real-time.
Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk mencapai keamanan yang kuat di ambang kami. Kami melakukan penelitian dan merancang perkelahian, merek, kelelawar, dan produk lainnya dengan produk Blockchain untuk perlindungan optimal. Salah satu mesin pencari kami Kotak Akronim memungkinkan Anda mengetahui semua informasi, dan pengguna / produsen FanEspo juga akan dapat mengakses FanEspo.Database segera setelah kami datang untuk mengiklankannya untuk meluncurkan analitik, dan Media, pendidikan, perjalanan, pediatri dan terkait dengan Blockchain kami.
eSports telah berkembang menjadi nomor kelas ringan hari ini. Pada tahun 2016, hanya $ 150 juta disediakan di eSports, tetapi pada tahun 2017, jumlah eSports yang disediakan adalah $ 600 juta. Yang paling penting, $ 2 miliar dimasukkan ke dalam eSports.
Ada banyak perusahaan olahraga besar yang masuk ke eSports, dan mereka dikenal sebagai tim bisbol dan penghibur yang melakukan eSports Amerika Amerika dan berfokus pada eSports.
Banyak universitas di Amerika Utara dan Eropa mulai eSports dengan beberapa organ fisik mereka dan mempersiapkan pendidikan dan nama eSports bisbol mereka.
Terima kasih kepada eSports di 2018'Asia, dan telah mulai menjadi salah satu musik Olimpiade.
Menurut ESPN dan Yahoo Sports, lebih dari sebelumnya NFL tampaknya menjadi yang terbesar di dunia. Jumlah eSports langsung hidup lebih dari NFL.
"Game Fantasy Sports yang paling mengasyikkan."
Sangat mudah untuk melacak olahraga reguler ketika Anda menonton banyak. Ini adalah gim biasa.
Waktu pasar olahraga fantasi hingga sekitar $ 5 watt? Pada £ 78m, dan 78 juta Dolar AS, dan sejumlah besar kas diperkirakan akan tumbuh $ 9,2 juta dengan lebih dari 100 juta Ekspor pada tahun 2020.
Hari ini, Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat telah dapat bermain game seperti hal-hal yang dapat meningkatkan jaringan eSports kami.
Tentu saja, itu tidak bermain game, tetapi FanEspo menyediakan cara yang baik untuk memberi pengguna kesempatan.
Bergabunglah dengan FanEspo, daftarkan, dan instal FanEspo
Masukkan blog
Anda juga dapat mengatur kueri baru atau memasukkan salinan yang telah Anda buat. Ada banyak bayaran untuk uang (Semua dalam semua, pemenang # Top, Bagikan di Top # buruk). Hanya ada beberapa jawaban untuk setiap kontes dengan uang.
Pilih Instrumen & Enter Anda
Pilih game Anda tentang acara DIRECT saat ini. Hadiah dari setiap game didasarkan pada kinerjanya, dan Anda dapat memilih game di hadiah Anda. Setelah Anda pergi, Anda dapat membayar untuk masuk dan berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi untuk memenangkan uang secara finansial!
Kemenangan! Dapatkan Pembayaran!
Setiap situs web eSports dilisensikan untuk menghitung angka, yang akan disediakan untuk kegiatan pelaporan REAL / RE. Setelah semua satwa liar di atas, Anda harus menyelesaikan permainan dan panen Anda, dan pengguna (s) yang memiliki penghasilan lebih tinggi.
Lihat Databasis
Basis informasi untuk fitur eSports yang membantu pengguna menggunakan grafik digital.
Iklan web dan sosial yang berkaitan dengan global eSports dan game. (Latihan untuk penggemar olahraga).
Siaran langsung
Streaming langsung di FanEspo Foundation. 360 VR Menjalankan R & D. Ritme
Kursus pendidikan sekolah di situs web Universitas Teknologi untuk eSports.
Buat dan jual perusahaan IP dan eSports.
Barang-barang lainnya
Tambahkan fitur baru tentang cara mengintegrasikan fitur tradisional kami dengan teman atau teman kami.
Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk mencapai keamanan yang kuat di ambang kami. Kami melakukan penelitian dan merancang perkelahian, merek, kelelawar, dan produk lainnya dengan produk Blockchain untuk perlindungan optimal.
Salah satu tujuan utama kami adalah untuk memperluas setiap visi, apa yang akan dilakukan FryEspo, untuk terlibat dalam proyek FanEspo.
Di masa depan, kami berharap untuk mengatur sinyal, media, pendidikan, dan organisasi, tentara yang tentang Blockchain kami.
Tampilkan FanEspo (FAN)
Situs web -Assurator dan perencanaan persaingan masa depan.
Tanggung jawab untuk kontributor kontribusi FIEspo ICO
Gunakan dana dengan benar dalam pembuatan FanEpso dan jual layanan lainnya.
Pertukaran / animasi
Kembalikan sertifikat untuk mendukung layanan siaran langsung FanEspo.
Blockchain Tech .: Ethereum, ERC20
Contoh: FAN
Instruksi Guru
$ 1,00 = 10 FAN
1 ETH = 7,000 FAN
1 BTC = 89.600
DITEMUKAN hari hadiah: Dalam waktu satu minggu setelah setiap akhir acara.
Contoh tanda akan dihapus sebelum penjualan asli & ICO.
Jumlah yang diberikan (100%): FAN
Harga (40%): 400.000.000 FAN
Pemeliharaan karir (30%): 300.000.000 FAN
Kelompok (9%) -Tidak dapat menjual selama dua tahun: 90.000.000 FAN
Konsultasi / Menerapkan / Membayar (5%): 50.000.000 FAN
Properti (1%): 10.000.000
Bonus FAN / Insentif (15%): 150.000.000 FAN
Fan Controlled Football League (FCFL) is the first professional sports league that is truly designed for digital blockchain. FCFL gives fans control over their sports entertainment experience. The players and real-time playing call decisions are all made by fans through the blockchain league platform, fans put coaches and general managers for their teams.
In conclusion Fans are no longer just viewers. Conversely, fans will be active contributors to the game they watch. This method is a transformational change in how sports fans interact. Polluters no longer sit and watch. Fans will be very important for league products both on and off the field, and fans with certain criteria will be rewarded for their success by sharing in $ 1,000,000 and winning bags.
For fans
Through interactive video overlays on Twitch or in the FCFL application, fans will control everything in real time for 8 teams in the new league. The results of each fan vote will be transferred to the quarterback and executed in the field.
The FCFL makes fans of the General Manager role the first time in sports. Not only that, fans also determine the names, logos, coaches, and players of each team that make a list of names through fan designs.
What do you think about players?
For players
In FCFL you don't play for your fans but you play for fans all over the world. 8 teams will be placed in one city and play in large production studios. FCFL is a league built for digital fans, and as a player you will have a global stage to show you the best you can do.
FAN tokens are the most responsible behind interactivity and fan involvement in the FCFL. All activities in the league depend on FAN tokens from voting where coaches are hired to play real-time calls during matches. The more FAN tokens your fans have, the more control your fans have for their favorite teams.
Fans can get FAN tokens by watching games, playing broadcasts and more. Top fans of the team that won the title get a $ 1,000,000 discount and develop championship prizes for the rest of the league.
RoboLab was founded in early 2016 by a group of entrepreneurs with background in entertainment and investing. We immediately put up a team of top scientists to create new opportunities for the entertainment and services industry by using new robotics technologies and modern software solutions. RoboLab collaborates with two universities to build the current robot-bartending unit: Tallinn University of Technology has launched its first teaching solution and Tartu University, our main partner, is building today. machines. Tartu University is ranked 314 in the world list of the top universities in the world and the same position (301-350) of the ARWU in the Times Higher Education rankings. Our company We have a team of 15,
Robolab develops, manufactures, sells and operates robotic service units. There is a wide range of automation fields to take place. However, right now we have decided to focus on hospitality and leisure. Our first unit is a fully automatic bartending unit, called Yanu, which can be placed in public places such as night clubs or bars, restaurants, cruise ships, hotels, ceremonies. and any crowded entertainment venue. We are selling cost effective robots for the hospitality and leisure industry. Our first solution is automatic beverage mixing and serving activities while acting as an independent business unit. The unit effectively replaces the classic bar set, man-made operation and helps businesses to overcome labor-related bottlenecks.
Why choose YANU?
Considering the huge increase in automation, the growing market share of the service industry and the current labor market issues, our company has decided to step in and help businesses with solutions. Breakthrough in robot service. Behind the fancy design there is a tireless workforce of artificial intelligence robots designed to work with and for humans. The new YANU bartending unit will help you master the bar serving many customers significantly faster, error free and much lower cost.
As a customer, the benefits are obvious: in addition to being seen, YANU never forgets anyone, drinks in half a minute, communicates with you through an application, treats you like a VIP if you pay by card from our ICO and even act as a personal assistant of sorts.
The benefits of YANU
The distribution process is streamlined
Less manual work
Superior safety
Increases performance
Increased security and limited errors
Reduce labor costs
Productivity is much higher
25% increase in weekly operating hours
Better production quality
Reduced materials wastage by 10-15%
Reduce the cost of rent because of its compact size
In case of used
Purchase beverages from our autonomous robot bartending unit with your YANU token.
Buy YANU for your business (nightclubs, public places, restaurants, etc.) to attract more customers. Yes, you can pay by YANU.
YANU code trading on the exchange.
Develop your own service robot on the YANU network.
Get discounts on purchases and VIP status.
Business model
We sell, rent and maintain the bar units.
This offer is suitable for any customer who already owns a location and wants to upgrade their business but wants to make a full profit from our technology. We will set up a bar unit, train staff to operate it and provide a cloud-based service for maintenance.
This model is suitable for clubs, bars, hotels, ships and cinemas.
We sell beverages and operate our units.
This offer is suitable for those who own space that can be enriched with new options but do not want to engage in daily activities of the bar. We will set up a bar unit in the rental space and organize the loading, cleaning and maintenance. We sell drinks directly to the end customer.
This model is suitable for shopping centers, airports, train stations, festivals, sports venues and tourist destinations.
Our business philosophy
We think and work towards long-term goals.
Our risk is carefully managed.
Transparency in reporting to stakeholders.
We value our team and want them to appreciate our goal.
We will follow our plan.
Roadmap of the project
Q1-Q2: Research and discussion with robot companies and software experts
Q3-Q4: Expanded market research combined with Tallinn University of Technology and consultant of StarUp Wise Guys (B2B accelerator)
Q1-Q2: The first industrial design
Q3-Q4: Participation of the Department of Robotics of the University of Tartu
January: Developed contracs signed. Core group and advisory board for Robolab was established. Yanu robot pre-sales launched in Europe. The first round of stock investment attracted.
February: Expands team to 12 people
March: ICO planning and cooperation with Estonia Electronic Money Association. The first partnership with nightclubs and bars.
June: Planning and preparation of ICO, Launch of ICO website and opening of whitelist for relevant investors.
July to October: YANU has sold privately and whitelisted
November October
Prior Notice of YANU
November December
Publicly announce the YANU Token
December: Launch of YANU tokens for dedicated exchanges
Q1-Q2: Establish technical infrastructure to produce YANU units. Optimize production.
Q3-Q4: Launch YANU robots at the airport to reach many customers to the end. Lauch global marketing campaign.